Wednesday, 20 September 2017

Tobacco commercial center still strong Despite Smoking Cessation Advances.

The US tobacco marketplace is huge. In the US during 2016 a whopping 258 billion cigarettes were sold which adds up to $79.6 billion in yearly sales; not quite as big as the pharmaceutical market but certainly extremely lucrative. In the US, taxes account for about 44% of the retail cost of cigarettes.
The loss of popularity with smoking came about as a result of a coupling between effective marketing and exhaustive scientific investigation linking it directly to lung cancer and other negative health conditions. Governments looking to cut the cost of healthcare pushed smoking cessation strategies and imposed stricter regulations.
Smoking cessation is difficult. Most people take more than one attempt to kick the habit. But the benefits of quitting are huge. First there are the immediate financial savings. It is estimated that a person with a pack-a-day habit can save about $1000 each year by quitting. By not smoking you can save money on home and health insurance. Within the first 24 hours CO levels in your blood drop to normal and your blood pressure and heart rate fall too. Within the first nine months your lung function and circulation improves. Within the first year your risk for heart disease has dropped to half that of a smoker. Within 5 years the risk of stroke is decreased, within 10 years your risk of cancer is half that of a smoker and within 15 years your risk of heart disease has returned to normal.

Smoking cessation is hard. But fortunately there are products available to help. Quitting cold turkey takes a lot of will power and many people find it overwhelming. Several prescription products are available which can help. 

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