Tuesday, 26 September 2017

Anxiety Disorders

Occasional anxiety is a normal part of life. But anxiety disorders involve more than temporary worry or fear. For a person with this kind of disorder, the anxiety does not go away and can get worse over time. Examples include panic disorder, and social anxiety disorder, Specific phobias, generalized anxiety disorder.

Anxiety disorder is an umbrella term that includes different conditions:
1) Panic disorder:  You feel terror that strikes at random. During a panic attack, you may also sweat, have chest pain, and feel palpitated. Sometimes you may feel like you’re choking or having a heart attack.

2) Social anxiety disorder:  It is also called social phobia, this is when you feel overwhelming worry and self-consciousness about everyday social situations. You fixate about others judging you or on being embarrassed or ridiculed.

3) Specific phobias:  You feel intense fear of a specific object or situation, such as heights or flying. The fear goes beyond what’s appropriate and may cause you to avoid ordinary conditions.

4) Generalized anxiety disorder:  You feel extreme, unrealistic worry and tension with little or no reason.

So learning more about the specifics of a disorder and helping family and friends to understand better can also be helpful. Avoid caffeine, which can worsen symptoms, and check with your doctor about any medications.

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