Tuesday, 26 September 2017

Anxiety Disorders

Occasional anxiety is a normal part of life. But anxiety disorders involve more than temporary worry or fear. For a person with this kind of disorder, the anxiety does not go away and can get worse over time. Examples include panic disorder, and social anxiety disorder, Specific phobias, generalized anxiety disorder.

Anxiety disorder is an umbrella term that includes different conditions:
1) Panic disorder:  You feel terror that strikes at random. During a panic attack, you may also sweat, have chest pain, and feel palpitated. Sometimes you may feel like you’re choking or having a heart attack.

2) Social anxiety disorder:  It is also called social phobia, this is when you feel overwhelming worry and self-consciousness about everyday social situations. You fixate about others judging you or on being embarrassed or ridiculed.

3) Specific phobias:  You feel intense fear of a specific object or situation, such as heights or flying. The fear goes beyond what’s appropriate and may cause you to avoid ordinary conditions.

4) Generalized anxiety disorder:  You feel extreme, unrealistic worry and tension with little or no reason.

So learning more about the specifics of a disorder and helping family and friends to understand better can also be helpful. Avoid caffeine, which can worsen symptoms, and check with your doctor about any medications.

Monday, 25 September 2017

Lung cancer facts

Lung cancer is the most common cause of death due to cancer in both men and women throughout the world. Statistics from the American Cancer Society estimated that in 2016 about 224,000 new cases of lung cancer in the U.S. occurred. According to the U.S. National Cancer Institute, approximately 6.5% of men and women in the U.S. will be diagnosed with cancer of the lung at some point in their lifetime based on data from 2011-13.

1) Cigarette smoking is the main risk factor for development of lung cancer.

2) Passive exposure to tobacco smoke also can cause lung cancer.

3) The two types of lung cancer, which grow and spread differently, are Small Cell Lung Cancers (SCLC) and Non-Small Cell Lung Cancers (NSCLC).

4) The stage of lung cancer refers to the extent to which the cancer has spread in the body.

5) Treatment of lung cancer can involve a combination of surgery, chemotherapy, targeted therapy, immunotherapy, and radiation therapy as well as newer experimental methods.

6) The general prognosis of lung cancer is poor because doctors tend not to find the disease until it is at an advanced stage. Five-year survival is around 54% for early stage lung cancer that is localized to the lungs, but only around 4% in advanced, inoperable lung cancer.

7) Smoking is the most vital measure that can prevent the development of lung cancer.

Immune System Disorder

Immunodeficiency disorders disrupt your body’s ability to defend itself against bacteria, viruses, and parasites. There are two types of immunodeficiency disorders: those you are born with, and those that are acquired. Anything that weakens your immune system can lead to a secondary immunodeficiency disorder.
Immunodeficiency disorders are either congenital or acquired. A congenital, or primary, disorder is one you were born with. Acquired, or secondary, disorders you get later in life. Acquired disorders are more common than congenital disorders.
Your immune system includes the following organs:
Spleen, tonsils, bone marrow, lymph nodes
These organs produce and secrete lymphocytes, they are white blood cells classified as B cells and T cells. B and T cells fight invaders called antigens. B cells release antibodies specific to the disease your body detects while T cells destroy foreign or abnormal cells.

The treatment for each immunodeficiency disorder will depend on the specific conditions. For example, AIDS causes several different infections. Your doctor will prescribe medications for each infection. And you may be given an antiretroviral to treat the HIV infection if required.
Treatment for immunodeficiency disorders commonly includes antibiotics and immunoglobulin therapy. Other antiviral drugs, amantadine and acyclovir, or a drug called interferon are used for treatment of the viral infections caused by immunodeficiency disorders.
If your bone marrow isn’t producing enough lymphocytes, your doctor might order a bone marrow (stem cell) transplant.

Saturday, 23 September 2017

Say no to Malaria, Say it to all

Malaria is a disease that is caused by a parasite called Plasmodium. This year, WHO’s theme for World Malaria Day is ‘End Malaria for Good’, an initiative to lessen the number of malaria cases.


There are several symptoms that can aware you of malaria contamination. However, it is best to get a blood test done to make sure it is in fact malaria and not something else. Sometimes, it takes time for the parasite to show up in the blood test and so a repeat blood test is done after 12 hours to check if the parasite is truly present. Here are the common symptoms associated with malaria.
Patient is likely to suffer from:
Fever, Shivering, Sweating, Chills, Fatigue, Headache, Nausea

Malaria can be a severe and potentially fatal disease; the treatment should be initiated as soon as possible. Patients who have severe P. falciparum malaria or who cannot take oral medications should be given the treatment by continuous intravenous infusion. In addition, primaquine is active against the dormant parasite liver forms (hypnozoites) and prevents relapses. Primaquine should not be taken by pregnant women or by people who are deficient in G6PD (glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase). Patients should not take Primaquine until a screening test has excluded G6PD deficiency.

Wednesday, 20 September 2017

Diphtheria - A serious bacterial infection

A type of microscopic organisms called Corynebacterium diphtheria causes diphtheria. The condition is normally spread through person-to-person contact or through contact with objects that have the bacteria on them, such as a cup or used tissue. If you’re around an infected person when they sneeze, cough, or clean out their nose, you may also contract diphtheria. Even if an infected person doesn’t show any signs or symptoms of diphtheria, they’re still able to transmit the bacterial infection for up to six weeks after the initial contamination.

The worst possible complication of diphtheria is respiratory failure or death due to pseudo membrane development that blocks the airway. Other possible complications include cardiac problems such as rhythm disturbances, myocarditis, heart block, secondary pneumonia, septic shock, and disease of different organs, central nervous system, or heart tissue.

The disease may remain manageable, but in more extreme cases lymph nodes in the neck may swell, due to which breathing and swallowing becomes more hard. People in this phase should seek immediate medical attention, as obstruction in the throat may require intubation or a tracheotomy. Abnormal cardiac rhythms can occur early in the course of the illness or weeks later, and can lead to heart failure. Diphtheria can also cause paralysis in the eye, neck, throat, or respiratory muscles. Patients with severe cases are put in a hospital intensive care unit and given a diphtheria antitoxin. Since antitoxin does not neutralize toxin that is already bound to tissues, delaying its administration is associated with an increase in mortality risk. Therefore, the decision to administer diphtheria antitoxin is based on clinical diagnosis, and should not await laboratory confirmation.

Onychomycosis – Nail Disease

Onychomycosis is a fungal infection of the nails. It is the most common disease of the nails and constitutes about half of all nail abnormalities.
The most common symptom of a fungal nail infection is the nail becoming thickened and discoloured. There is usually no pain or other bodily symptoms unless the disease is severe. People with onychomycosis may experience significant psychosocial problems due to the appearance of the nail, particularly when fingers – which are always visible , rather than toenails are affected.

Systemic treatment is always required in proximal subungual onychomycosis and in distal lateral subungual onychomycosis involving the lunula region. A combination of systemic and topical treatment increases the cure rate. Because the rate of recurrence remains high, even with newer agents, the decision to treat should be made with a clear understanding of the cost and risks involved, as well as the risk of recurrence.

Topical antifungals
The use of topical agents should be limited to cases involving less than half of the distal nail plate or for patients unable to tolerate systemic treatment. Agents available in the United States include ciclopirox olamine 8% and efinaconazole 10% nail solutions.

Oral therapy
The newer generation of oral antifungal agents has replaced older therapies in the treatment of onychomycosis. They offer shorter treatment regimens, higher cure rates, and fewer adverse effects.

Tobacco commercial center still strong Despite Smoking Cessation Advances.

The US tobacco marketplace is huge. In the US during 2016 a whopping 258 billion cigarettes were sold which adds up to $79.6 billion in yearly sales; not quite as big as the pharmaceutical market but certainly extremely lucrative. In the US, taxes account for about 44% of the retail cost of cigarettes.
The loss of popularity with smoking came about as a result of a coupling between effective marketing and exhaustive scientific investigation linking it directly to lung cancer and other negative health conditions. Governments looking to cut the cost of healthcare pushed smoking cessation strategies and imposed stricter regulations.
Smoking cessation is difficult. Most people take more than one attempt to kick the habit. But the benefits of quitting are huge. First there are the immediate financial savings. It is estimated that a person with a pack-a-day habit can save about $1000 each year by quitting. By not smoking you can save money on home and health insurance. Within the first 24 hours CO levels in your blood drop to normal and your blood pressure and heart rate fall too. Within the first nine months your lung function and circulation improves. Within the first year your risk for heart disease has dropped to half that of a smoker. Within 5 years the risk of stroke is decreased, within 10 years your risk of cancer is half that of a smoker and within 15 years your risk of heart disease has returned to normal.

Smoking cessation is hard. But fortunately there are products available to help. Quitting cold turkey takes a lot of will power and many people find it overwhelming. Several prescription products are available which can help. 

Tuesday, 19 September 2017

Kidney disease

Kidney disease is also known as renal or nephropathy disease which causes damage to our kidneys. Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is caused due to progressive loss in kidney functions over a period of months or years. The symptoms of worsening kidney function are not specific, they might include feeling generally unwell and experiencing a reduced appetite.
Acute kidney injury (AKI), previously called acute renal failure (ARF), is an abrupt loss of kidney function that develops within 7 days.

Warning Signs of Kidney Disease
>Feeling more tired and having less energy
>Having trouble concentrating
> Having a poor appetite
> Having trouble sleeping
> Having muscle cramping at night
> Having swollen feet and ankles
> Having puffiness around your eyes, especially in the morning
> Having dry, itchy skin
> Having the need to urinate more often, especially at night.
Treatment for Kidney Disease
>Control of diseases like diabetes and high blood pressure prevents kidney disease or its progression.
>Kidney stones and urinary tract infections should be treated properly.
>Some causes of kidney diseases are still unknown, specific treatments are not yet available for them.
>Chronic Kidney Disease may progress to kidney failure; it’s treatment involves dialysis or kidney transplantation.
>Treating high blood pressure with Angiotensin Converting Enzyme (ACE) Inhibitors may help in slowing down the progression of chronic kidney disease.

Friday, 15 September 2017

low-calorie fruit - Black Plum

Black Plum is an evergreen tropical plant. It's humble fruit is packed with iron and has minimum calories. It is delicious plum like fruit that is very rich in vitamin A and vitamin C. Fruit is eaten as snacks in various parts of world and the sweet and tangy flavor of this fruit is really tasty. Black Plum is a rich source of anti-oxidants and it is loaded with flavonoids that is very essential requirement for overall body health.

Health & Beauty Skin
Black Plum is an excellent skin toner, detoxifier, and moisturizer and makes the skin healthy and bright.
Healthy Heart
Being a good source of potassium Black Plum reduces the risk of heart disease, high blood pressure and stroke.
Treats Infections
Different parts of Black Plum are traditionally used for treating bacterial infection. It contains Malic acid, Gallic acid, oxalic acid and tannins which possess Anti-malarial, antibacterial and gastro protective properties.
Improve Hemoglobin
As an excellent source of iron and vitamin C, the fruit helps in boosting up the hemoglobin levels and act as a blood purifier
Treats Diabetes

Black Plum – the ideal fruit for diabetics, the fruit as well as the leaves have been aiding in the control of blood sugar levels.

Thursday, 14 September 2017

Healthiest Spice Ginger

Ginger is a widely used household spice and is one of the healthiest and most aromatic spices. Root or underground stem (rhizome) of the ginger plant can be consumed fresh, powdered, dried as a spice, in the oil form or as juice.

Medicinal Compound Gingerol
The bioactive compound Gingerol present in ginger has proven anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. It is used in various traditional medicines, for example, to treat digestive problems, nausea, to fight flu and common cold.
Ginger extract is also effective against bacterial attack and reduces gum infections such as gingivitis and periodontitis.

Treats Digestive problem
Ginger is known to relieve gastrointestinal  irritation, stimulate saliva and suppress gastric contractions and helps in the movement of food and fluids through the GI(gastrointestinal) tract.

Provides relief from nausea and morning sickness
Ginger has been proven effective against nausea and vomiting post-surgery, and for patients undergoing chemotherapy. It’s effective in treating morning sickness in pregnancy related nausea.

Decrease Muscle Pain
The anti-inflammatory properties of ginger are effective in reducing advance muscle pain and exercise induced muscle soreness. Ginger helps in reducing the pain and stiffness in the joints.

Decrease Blood Sugars
A study conducted by University of Medical Science (Iran) has proved ginger’s effectiveness in reducing blood sugar levels and HbA1C in diabetic patients and have potent hypolipidemic effect.

Wednesday, 13 September 2017

Reason of Headache and Migraine

Now a days, everyone gets a headache from time to time. And while it's the most general type of pain, not all headaches are alike: According to the International Headache Society, there are more than 150 types of primary and secondary headache disorders — primary occurring on their own, and secondary being caused by other medical situation.

Tension headaches, which affect more than half of all women and more than a third of all men in developed countries, are the most common type of headache. Tight muscles of the shoulders, neck, scalp, and jaw are standard culprits, as are stress, depression, anxiety, working too much, inadequate shut-eye, erratic or missed meal times, and alcohol.

Changes in the weather, fatigue, stress, bright or flickering lights, loud noises, strong smells, insufficient sleep, and hormonal changes (in women) can all trigger migraines. And in addition to the dietary habits that can cause tension headaches, migraines can also be set off by chocolate, an increase or decrease of caffeine, and foods with monosodium glutamate (MSG). 

The unbearable migraine affect 12 percent of people in the United States. Migraines are about three times more common in women than in men and are often accompanied by throbbing or pulsating pain, nausea, watery eyes, and a runny nose or congestion.

Tuesday, 12 September 2017

Take care of your Heart

Cold weather is harmful for patients who have heart disease. In such a weather condition your heart needs good care. People are more prone to heart attack during this time of the year.
During the winter season arteries become constricted due to the low temperature. In such conditions the heart needs to put a lot more effort in order to pump blood therefore adding to its stress that leads to heart attack. It is important to keep a check on cardiovascular risk factors.

Control Cholesterol level
With change in season there is an irregular rise and fall in cholesterol levels. These levels are higher than normal and this puts you at more risk of cardiovascular diseases. So do keep a check on your diet.

Take Rest
Don't exhaust yourself too much. Do take breaks frequently in order to avoid over stressing your heart.
Control Blood Pressure
In the winter season blood pressure gets raised and coronary arteries shrink that leads to low blood supply. So you have to keep it under control.

Eat Frequently in Less Amounts
Generally people tend to eat more during winters than they normally do. These extra meals put extra pressure on your heart. So it is better to have small meals at regular intervals.
Stay warm
Hypothermia is one of the main causes of heart failure during the winter season. Wear warm clothes, and as much as possible stay indoors.
Walk on a Sunny day
Avoid morning walk on a cold day. Instead you can go for a walk out when it is sunny.

Monday, 11 September 2017

ACNE-Causes and some guidelines

Acne – a lingering, inflammatory skin condition resulting in whiteheads, blackheads, pimples, cysts, and nodules. The skin condition may scar the skin depending on the severity of the acne.
In women, it gets converted into estrogen, though there may be genetic or environmental factors that aids in their production.
In men high testosterone levels cause the oil (sebaceous) glands under the skin to enlarge. The enlarged gland produces more sebum. Excessive sebum can break down cellular walls in the pores, causing bacteria to grow and the skin gets inflamed thus giving birth to the ACNE.

The Causes For Acne Break-outs On Our Skin:
>Some medicines that contain androgen and lithium
>Greasy cosmetics
>Hormonal changes
>Emotional stress

 Acne may not be totally preventable but you can control & clear up your skin by following these tips:
·        Wash your face twice a day with warm water and mild soap specialized mainly for acne.
·        Never scrub the skin or burst the pimples, as this may push the infection further down, causing the acne or pimple to worsen and spread out.
·        Avoid touching your face.
·        Wash hands frequently, especially before applying lotions or creams.
·        Clean spectacles regularly as they collect sebum and skin residue.
·        Allow your skin to breathe by wearing loose clothing if you have acne on the back, shoulders, or chest.
·        Choose makeup for sensitive skin and avoid oil-based products.
·        Use an electric shaver or sharp safety razors when shaving.
·        Try to stay cool & dry in hot and humid climates.

Saturday, 9 September 2017

Skin Problems due to Hot Weather

Summer is a very unfavorable time both for our skin and body. It’s a high time when you should take care of your skin health. As the temperature soars, the heat becomes intolerable. During this period we need to protect our skin by keeping it healthy, well hydrated and reducing any condition that makes our skin prone to infections.
1) Heat rashes: In summer there are many factors to make skin irritable. Along with the heat that puts a lot of pressure on the skin comes sweating. Dirt and dust clog the sweat ducts of the skin trapping the perspiration and causing red rashes in your skin.
Remedy: If you sweat a lot then prevent this condition by keeping yourself squeaky clean. It is generally recommended to take bath at least twice a day.  Always use an anti-bacterial soap or bath gel to keep yourself clean & dry. You can use ice to rub the affected skin area to keep it cool & soothing.

2. Sunburns: During summer the harsh ray of sun can scorch your skin causing red patches and rashes that burn. This is very common to people who have a sensitive skin.
Remedy: The only way to protect your skin against this condition is to minimize sun exposure. At the same time, it is equally important to use a sunscreen. Make sure you re-apply the same every four to five hours to ensure continuous protection. It is also advisable for people who have sensitive skin to wear clothes covering as much skin as possible during the day.
3. Dehydration: It is not just your body but also your skin which is affected by dehydration. When we sweat we continuously lose water content from the skin. If not sufficiently replenished, this can leave the skin dry, irritated and more prone to sunburn.

Remedy: The most logical answer is to drink as much water as you can. Carry a water bottle with you all the time. Take a sip of water once in every half an hour. Also add a lot of juices and summer fruits to your diet.

Friday, 8 September 2017

Protect your hair from sunburn

You may have healthy, bouncy hair all year around, but when summer comes , your hair turns lifeless. There are no signs of that bounce anymore, is there? So we have some solution for you.

Normally this happens because of high humidity content in the atmosphere that settles on your hair and weighs it down, the result is limp hair. Sweat and dust contributes to the summers increase hair problems like dandruff, split ends and hair fall. Dry scalp brings its own set of problems and may end up damaging your hair roots. So we have to protect our lovely hair from the sun.

>First line of defense against the sun is wearing a hat. Choose one that wraps all of your hair, or tuck longer locks underneath it. 

>You should avoid too many Cosmetics which is not healthy for hair.

>In terms of products, look for different formulas with UVA and UVB protection.

>Moisturizing your hair is another essential step. Stock up on oils, masks, conditioners, and treatments.

>Some times you can trim your hair properly to avoid split ends.

>Avoid using the styling iron and curlers.

> For cooling hair, some liquids are required that will help to keep your hair healthy and hydrated.

> Many types of dry shampoos are available in the market. You can use this for a dry wash.

These are some of the simplest hair care tips for summer.
Cause for metabolic damage

If food intake decrease metabolism begins to slow down

> Depending on the provided food, the body decided how it will metabolize itself.

>The metabolism doesn’t want to control your engine all day with no fuel in the tank.

> Essential functions and works slows down if the food consumption is less, it eventually depends on the number of calorie intake which in turn also helps in burning the excess fat deposits of our body

> After a long period of excessive and heavy work and if the required amount of food is not consumed, metabolism reaches a point where fat loss becomes nearly impossible.

Solutions to keep your body metabolism rate high are as follows:

> Regular exercise without putting your body into overdrive mode

> Increasing food may actually help you lose weight.

> Energy is required for eating and raises metabolism, this is known as the Thermic effect of food.

> Energy is required for digesting proteins, which means that as you eat more protein and more calories, your metabolism will start working faster.

All hope is not lost when you hit a brick after months of dieting, it is simply your body’s way of telling you to step off the gas and fill the tank.

Thursday, 7 September 2017

Nexium - Easy to Swallow

Nexium is the brand name for ESOMEPRAZOLE, a drug used to treat several stomach and esophagus ailments.
Many people experience stomach problems with heartburn sometimes accompanying it. Certain foods may trigger this reaction; there may be lots of other reasons too. Whatever be the case, it’s not a good feeling to have heaviness all the time.

Changes in Diet and Lifestyle that may Help
1) Exercises such as inverted yoga poses, abdominal crunches  and headstands can increase the chance of acid reflux.
2) If spicier foods you are fond of cause heart burn, don’t take it your heart; try their milder versions of them. Besides, reduce the consumption of onions, peppermint, garlic , chocolate , tomatoes, grapefruit and fatty foods.
3) Avoid these beverages only if you find them making GERD problems such as orange and tomato sodas , alcohol ,juice,  tea and coffee.
4) Eat some light meals. Have dinner 3-4 hours before you go to bed. Do not eat any late night snacks.
5) If it’s a night time heartburn, sleep with your head raised; put some blocks under the legs of your bed. In addition, lie on your right side.

6) An abdomen under pressure may also cause heartburn. Wear loose-fitting clothes and the shed extra weight.

Wednesday, 6 September 2017

The FDA has informed and spread awareness to all consumers about the possible dangers of buying online drugs .
Then how can you feel secured yourself? FDA tells that customers must have the knowledge and understanding to recognize legal online pharmacy and how to buy medicines these pharmacies safely.
There are many online pharmacies which provide genuine medicines and offer safe payment options and secured personal information. But there are some “rogue websites” as well that offer to sell potentially unsafe and fake drugs that have not been checked or approved for safety. These rogue sites looks normal but actually they sell medication illegally, which mostly contains fatal measurements of active ingredients.
There are also some online pharmacies which sell fake medicines which looks exactly like real FDA-approved medications, but their safety and quality are of unknown origin.

Protect yourselves by following these simple steps:
·         Don't send any personal information—like social security number, credit card information—unless you are sure that website will keep your information private.
·         Buy only from state-licensed pharmacy website located in US.
·         Use legitimate websites that have a licensed pharmacist to answer your question.
·         Do not forget to check the privacy and security policies that are enlisted on the website.
·         Don't buy from websites that sell medications without a doctor’s prescription.

Tuesday, 5 September 2017


Brussels sprouts contain large levels of vitamin C and vitamin K. It also contains folic acid and essential minerals and dietary fibres .
Benefits of Brussels s Sprout’s
Eye & Skin Protection
Vitamin C and Vitamin A is the antioxidants which are present in Brussels sprouts helps in boosting eye health, skin’s immunity, and also aids in the development of the new cell.
Reducing Heart Disease
Brussels sprouts have antioxidants, Vitamin K and C that works together to clear infectious disease, lowers cholesterol levels and blood pressure and also helps to increase blood flow and reduces the chances of heart attack.
Boost Immune System                                                   
Brussels sprouts are loaded with Vitamin C, and boost the immune system, reducing inflammation and cell damage. Antioxidants in Vitamin C keeps your immunity strong against bacteria, viruses, toxins and other harmful invaders that can cause disease and illness.
Protects Against Cancer
Brussels sprouts contain compounds called ISOTHIOCYANATES and GLUCOSINOLATES that may reduce your risk of cancer. Research show that Brussels sprouts may decrease the risk for colon cancer and increases the body’s defense against cancer progression.
Develop Bone Health
Brussels sprouts are a good source of Vitamin K, which helps in keeping the skeletal structure strong and prevents osteoporosis.

Monday, 4 September 2017

Save Money on Your Diabetes Medications

Living with diabetes is certainly no picnic, mainly when you consider the prices of the medications diabetics must take. Diabetic medication is expensive apart from insulin. Insulin itself is priced at astronomically high levels and prices seem to change every day. It’s wildly unfair.

One of the most common questions we are asked is “Do you carry insulin?” The answer is no and there is a good reason for that. Insulin is sensitive to temperature. Kept too hot or too cold it will become useless. Unfortunately, we do not have the ability to guarantee that insulin will remain within the proper temperature range during shipment and arrive properly. We would love to be able to provide insulin to our patients. We are acutely aware of its extremely high cost. However, we will not put our patients’ protection at risk for more revenue.

Bestliferx carries a wide range of diabetic drugs other than insulin. If you are struggling with the cost of your diabetes medication or any other medication for that matter, consider giving us a call. We may be able to help you and your family save some money.  Let Bestliferx help you with your diabetes management. Please visit our website and buy diabetes medicine in affordable price.

Friday, 1 September 2017

Be cautious under the Sun

A research conveyed from the Mayo Clinic reports a dramatic rise in skin problems for people under 40. It reports that between the years 1970 and 2009, the rate of melanoma extended more than 8 times among young women and four times among teenagers.

The researchers guess that the use of indoor tanning beds is responsible for such in-disposable skin conditions which exhibits the degradation of skin cells at an early age with visible wrinkles and patchy skin. Past examinations have associated tanning beds to skin sickness, not only this but people who use them are 74% more prone to produce melanoma. In 2009, tanning beds were banned by specialist of the International Agency for Research on Cancer. This has placed them in a comparative position where they are equally as dangerous as cigarettes.

Indoor tanning involves using a device that emits UV ray to produce a cosmetic tan. Exposure to ultraviolet radiation, whether from the sun or tanning devices, is associated with weakening of the immune system, and is a major risk factor for many types of skin cancer: melanoma and non-melanoma skin cancer both. Tanning beds can contain many micro organisms, some of which are pathogens that can cause skin infections and gastric distress. Now a day's Indoor tanning is a addiction which has been recognized as a psychiatric disorder. The disorder is also called  as excessive indoor tanning that causes the subject personal distress; it has been associated with anxiety ,and smoking.